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Understanding Your Dog's Behaviour and How to Deal with it?


7 min Read

September 27, 2022 | Training & Behaviour

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Understanding Your Dog's Behaviour

Although we have a tendency to attribute human characteristics and feelings to dogs, we have grown accustomed to daily dog traits as typical dog behaviour. While we can read dog body language to decode things like anxiety and comprehend why dogs howl, some dog behaviours, like rolling in smelly objects or barking aimlessly, are genuinely confusing.

A famous author Orhan Pamuk once said “Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” Therefore different behaviour conveys different emotions and sometimes it becomes really difficult for humans to understand the real reason behind it, apart from natural and normal dog traits or dog behaviour they also act differently for different situation and the reason can be either they must be having some physical problem or some kind of mental or emotional problem which is bothering them.

In any kind of situation it is really important for pet parents to actually figure out the real reason behind a particular type of behaviour, what triggers it and how to calm them down. We have to agree that dogs are extremely emotional animals and they are really attached to their parents or guardians therefore whatever their parents do is somewhere or the other affects them and that's why pet parents need to be extremely cautious with how they treat their furry friends.

Common Dog Behaviours and How to deal with them

Barking: The majority of dogs vocalise in some way. They might also yawn, howl, and bark. A behaviour issue is considered to be excessive barking.

Before you can stop your dog from barking too much, you must first figure out why they are vocalising in the first place. The most typical varieties of barking include:

  • Advisory or warning
  • Happiness and excitement
  • Attention-seeking
  • Anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Reacting to neighbour’s dog

Control your dog's excessive barking through training and treating. Think about teaching the bark and quiet commands. Be persistent and tolerant. Take care of any underlying reasons for barking. Dogs can be trained to stop barking with commitment and attention to detail.

Dog Barking

Chewing: All dogs naturally chew their food. In actuality, chewing is an important activity for the majority of dogs; it's just how they are wired and how they explore their environment. If your dog causes damage, however, excessive chewing can quickly develop into a behavioural issue. The most frequent causes of dog chewing include:

  • Dog teething
  • Inactivity or excess energy
  • Fear Curiosity (especially puppies)

By giving your dog a lot of suitable chew toys or dog treats, you can encourage him/her to chew on the right things. Keep your dog away from any personal items. Keep your dog in a crate or confined space when you aren't home so that less damage can be done.

If you see your dog chewing on something inappropriate, quickly divert their attention with a loud noise. Then swap out the object for a chew toy. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise so it can burn off energy and be stimulated in that way rather than resorting to chewing. This is one of the most crucial things you can do.

Dog Chewing

Digging: Most dogs will dig to some extent if given the chance; it's instinctive. Due to their hunting heritage, some dog breeds, like terriers, are more likely to dig. Typically, dogs dig for the following reasons:

  • Inactivity or excess energyear or worry
  • Instinct for hunting Comfort-seeking (such as nesting or cooling off)
  • Desire to cover up property (like bones or toys)
  • To get away from something or enter a place

If your dog enjoys digging up your yard, it can become quite frustrating. In order to stop the digging, try to identify what is causing it. Increase the amount of exercise you give your dog, your time together, and your training efforts. If digging seems inevitable, designate a space, like a sandbox, where your dog is free to dig. Teach your dog that only this area is appropriate for digging.

Dog Digging

Anxiety of getting separated and leading to vocalisation and chewing

One of the most frequently discussed issues with canine behaviour is separation anxiety. When a dog is separated from their owner, symptoms include vocalisation, chewing, inappropriate urination and defecation, and other types of destruction. These behaviours aren't always the result of separation anxiety. True separation anxiety manifests as:

  • When the owner gets ready to leave, the dog becomes anxious.
  • The first 15 to 45 minutes after the owner departs are when misbehaviour happens.
  • The dog is constantly trying to follow its owner.
  • When possible, the dog tries to touch the owner.

Exercises for behaviour management and dedicated training are necessary to treat true separation anxiety. In the worst-case scenarios, medication may be advised.

dog in the basket

Unwanted Defecation & Urination

Among the most annoying dog behaviours are inappropriate urination and defecation. They might also make your dog unwelcome in public spaces or other people's homes and cause damage to certain areas of your house. It is crucial that you first discuss this behaviour with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health issues. Try to identify the cause of the behaviour if a medical explanation cannot be found; this could be one of the following:

  • Excitement or submissive urination
  • Territorial designation
  • Anxiety
  • Inadequate housebreaking

Puppies will inevitably defecate & urinate in the wrong places, especially in the first 12 weeks of life. Older dogs are a different matter. Once a habit becomes ingrained, many dogs require significant behaviour modification to break it.

The best way to deal with all the above problems is by training your dogs and treating them with some tasty treats such as Dogsee chew treats.

One Common Solution for the Problems

There is no such dog in the world which cannot be trained. Dogs are one such animal which are highly trainable and in fact humans have done so for a long time. Now when we talk about training it’s impossible to not talk about treats. Dog treats are the most crucial element in the journey of training dogs. It not only helps in training the dog but it also helps in giving the additional nutrition which the dog needs.

Dogsee Chew is one such brand that has been making some good quality healthy dog treats and puppy treats since 2015. You won't ever have to run out of dog treats because they have a wide variety in a range of sizes, shapes, and flavours. They are among the best dog treats in India because they are made with only natural ingredients, which makes them extremely safe. Some of their training dog treats include Dogsee Mini pops, Dogsee Crunch, and Dogsee Gigabites. This is one of the three treat lines they offer. Each line has a few distinctive flavours that give your dogs a tasty treat while also offering nutritional advantages. To make it even simpler for pet parents to select the best training treats, they also offer treats based on the sizes and ages of the dogs.

Their each product can be used for solving one behavioural problem of your dog like for example:

  • Dogsee Hard Bars - Helps deal with chewing problem
  • Dogsee Crunch, Dogsee Puffies, Dogsee Mini pops - All these treats are great for training for different problems such as defecation, barking, digging, etc.


So there you have it, here are a few common types of dog behaviours and how to deal with them. Every dog problem has a solution and they can always be trained for good, just make sure to treat your dog with the right treatment and give him the right training.

If you're looking for more dog-related blogs, be sure to check out our blog section.

It all comes down to knowing your dog, as a pet parent you have to be aware of what makes your dog happy and what doesn’t. If you are well aware of that you can face any problem related to your dog’s behaviour.

Therefore be sure to check for things that bother your dog and give him a happy healthy environment because at the end of the day dogs are social animals who require love, care and warmth. Do follow us on instagram for staying up to date about new launches and treats.

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