Does your doggo suffer from teary eyes and discharge? If you’re wondering what and why dog eye discharge occurs, we at Dogsee have the perfect guide for you. Epiphora (dogs' eyes watering) is a common problem in dogs. It could turn into a clear, white, yellow, or green discharge. It is typically a symptom of eye disease when a dog's eyes are draining and watery. The causes of the teary eye may be many.
Causes of Teary Eyes in Dogs
1. Breed inclination
Because of their face shape, short-faced and brachycephalic breeds like Shih Tzus, Cocker Spaniels, Maltese, Bulldogs, and Pugs are especially prone to ocular discharge. Excessive ripping is also seen in many small dog breeds. Some breeds' face and nasal skin folds can accumulate moisture, creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth. If not maintained, cleaned, and dried, this might lead to diseases and dog eye infections. If you can’t get your doggo to hold still while cleaning, you can treat them with yummy doggie treats.
2. Dog eye Infections
Infections of the eye in dogs can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. An irritation that got into the eye may have caused this. It's also possible that it's spread by other animals. When a dog has an eye infection that develops, it’s best to get it checked at the vet and treated with prescribed medication. This usually entails getting your doggo for a few eye drops a couple of times during the day. If your little one is tough to handle or scared try calming them down with some delicious dog snacks!
3. Allergies
Environmental allergies can be a cause of your dog's eye infections. This is comparable to how humans are affected by hay fever. In such cases, your vet may be able to suggest some medical aid to overcome this issue. Another dog eye discharge home remedy to keep your doggo calm and comfortable when they have dog eye infections is by rewarding them with the best dog treats.
4. Trauma
Dog eye infection and drainage can be caused by anything that irritates the eye. Minor irritants or allergens might drive a dog to rub his eyes, causing irritation and inflammation. If something sharp scratches the eye, such as an animal claw or the edge of a table. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you fear that they have a serious eye injury. Or if your dog needs to be distracted for a while give him a hard chew bar that’s not just tasty but also healthy.
5. Tear Ducts Obstruction
Tears from the eyes are drained into the nose by the nasolacrimal duct. Dog eye-watering occurs when normal tears overflow from the eye instead of draining due to the nasolacrimal duct being obstructed. A perfect home remedy for dog eye discharge is making sure your dogs have their food on time and stay nourished. If your dog is a fussy eater we can always add dog food toppings like the seasoning powder from Dogsee Chew.
6. Ulcers in the Cornea
Trauma, infection, or another eye ailment can cause an abrasion on the cornea. Corneal ulcers can become quite serious if left untreated, resulting in vision loss or even the loss of the eye itself.
7. Distichiasis
Eyelashes grow abnormally as a result of this disorder. Irritation is caused by hairs that grow along the eyelid and toward the eye itself.
8. Entropion
Another cause of dog eye infections is entropion (inward folding of eyelids). The eyelids roll inward as a result of this disease. The eyelashes and lids rub against the cornea, irritating it to cause inflammation.
Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedies
It's critical to act as soon as you notice an issue with your dog’s eyes. Maintain a clean and dry environment around the eyes. If the drainage does not improve on its own you should seek veterinary assistance. Based on the diagnosis, your veterinarian will offer treatment. This usually entails the use of pharmaceutical eye drops or ointment that you apply several times a day at home. In some situations, surgical treatment may be required, particularly if the reason is entropion or a similar anatomical anomaly. It's critical to act as soon as you notice an issue with your dog’s eyes. Maintain a clean and dry environment around the eyes. If the drainage does not improve on its own you should seek veterinary assistance.
Based on the diagnosis, your veterinarian will offer treatment. This usually entails the use of pharmaceutical eye drops or ointment that you apply several times a day at home. In some situations, surgical treatment may be required, particularly if the reason is entropion or a similar anatomical anomaly.
Eye Discharge Home Remedy
If your dog is healthy, there's a good chance you can avoid dog eye discharge with home remedies by following a few basic procedures:
Keep the hair around your dog's eyes as short as possible by at-home grooming. Taking your pet to a groomer to have this haircut is generally the fastest way to spread the infection.
If your dog has a tendency to cry excessively, bathing and gently drying the area around its eyes daily will help prevent inflammation.
If your doggo has anxiety or is in pain try and calm them down with tasty treats. Aim for treats that are not just natural but also help overcome the infection. Treats with coconuts help the body's immune system to fight against any bacteria or fungi. Treats with Himalayan cheese help the gut and introduce the antioxidants to the body which help fight bacteria.
Also read : 6 Effective Ways to Remove Plaque and Tartar from a Dogs Teeth
Dog eye infections and other issues are common but it is important to make sure you do not wait too long for it to affect your dogs' vision. However, if they seem to be improving make sure your dog is at his healthiest. By following the above simple home remedies for dog eye discharge you can make sure your doggo gets better in no time.

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