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5 Common Worms in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment


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February 17, 2022 | Hygiene & Care

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Common Worms in Dogs

Dogs being the center of our universe, we want to always ensure that they have a good time munching on their favorite turmeric mini pops and never experience discomfort. Sometimes things are just not in our control and problems arise even without us knowing. Worms are one of those concerning issues. If not treated, these parasites can cause considerable harm in dogs. If you ignore the indicators that your dog has worms, long-term health issues can occur. Here’s what you need to know to protect your dog from troublesome worms

Types Of Worms In Dogs

Roundworms: Roundworms, popularly known as ascarids or nematodes, are common parasites found in the intestines of dogs. They ingest partially digested food. Most dogs acquire these at some point in their lives. Puppies are more likely to have roundworms. They’re usually white or light brown and can be up to a few inches long. Puppies are most likely to get roundworms from their infected mothers while in the womb or during lactation. Your dog can also catch roundworms if they consume roundworm eggs from another animal's excrement, or if they eat infected mice or other small animals. By sniffing another dog's excrement, a puppy can obtain roundworms.

Hookworms: Hookworms are intestinal parasites that physically attach to the lining of your dog's intestines. They get their name from the hook-like mouthpieces they employ to cling to the intestinal wall and feed on the tiny blood capillaries in the intestinal lining. This feeding method, despite its small size (about 3 millimeters in length), can result in severe anemia. They pose a major risk to dogs, particularly young puppies, who may not survive the blood loss without transfusions. If you detect early signs of hookworms in your dogs it is important that you immediately consult a veterinarian

Whipworms: Whipworms are intestinal parasites that live in the cecum and large intestine of dogs, where they cause severe irritation to the lining of those organs. Whipworms are transmitted to dogs by consuming an infested item, which can be soil, food, water, feces, or animal flesh. The eggs can survive in favorable circumstances for up to five years, which is one of the reasons why cleaning up after your dog is so vital for general hygiene and health.

Tapeworms: Tapeworms are an intestinal parasite that dogs get via eating infected fleas or eating wild animals that have tapeworms or fleas. The tapeworm egg hatches and adheres to the dog's digestive lining when the dog eats the flea. It can be transmitted from fleas to dogs, which is even another reason to take flea control seriously.

Heartworms: Heartworms are the most dangerous worms in dogs, yet they are also the most avoidable. As avoiding mosquitoes is practically difficult in most regions, veterinarians recommend regular heartworm preventatives to keep your dog safe. If left untreated, heartworms develop and reproduce within the heart, causing serious lung illness, heart failure, and other organ damage, as well as death.

Symptoms Of Worms In Dogs

The most common signs for identifying dog worms are the following:

  • Coughing

  • Vomiting

  • Pot Belly

  • Diarrhea

  • Weight Loss

  • Low energy

Diagnosis and Treatment: Worms, if left untreated, can cause internal organ damage, loss of consciousness, and death in your dog. If you suspect your dog has worms, take it to a veterinarian right away. The majority of intestinal worms are easily treated, and your veterinarian will prescribe medication based on the diagnosis. Deworming your dogs right from their puppyhood is recommended.


In short, prevention, regular testing, flea control, and hygiene offer the best course of action to prevent serious consequences to your dog caused by worms. Your dog’s life is precious. Take them to the vet at the earliest signs of worm infestation.

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